Celebration of Life event for Miriam Ellis

March 04, 2025

Miriam Ellis

On December 3, 2022,  UCSC will host a memorial to celebrate the life of Miriam Ellis, lecturer emerita of French, a fellow of Cowell College, and founder of the Miriam Ellis International Playhouse (MEIP). The celebration will start at 1:00 PM and last until about 3:00 PM.  The venue is the Stevenson Event Center (SEC), where audiences have long enjoyed and will continue to enjoy performances of the MEIP. 

Miriam’s irrepressible joy touched the lives of many people at the university, in Santa Cruz, and beyond. The purpose of the Memorial is to bring us all together to reminisce, reflect, and share stories. As Miriam may have said, quoting Moliere, "We die only once, and for such a long time." If you are inclined to wear your favorite special hat to the event,  please do so in homage to our spirited and brilliant friend.

Parking attendants will be in the lower lot of Stevenson. Overflow parking will be at Merrill. Carpooling is encouraged. A shuttle will help guests will mobility challenges climb the hill to SEC.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact the event organizer, Faye Crosby, at fjcrosby@ucsc.edu.